Who We Are

Woodward & Co.

We are trusted Mechanical Services Engineering Specialists

Our depth of industry experience and breadth of expertise mean we are trusted by some of the biggest names and brands in the UK. We share our clients’ values and consistently deliver technical excellence and service at competitive prices.

professional architect designer structural engineer team colleage

We are Proactive Problem Solvers

When we design and plan, we think two steps ahead. Our combined mechanical services engineering experience of 250 years means we can spot a potential problem and solve it, behind the scenes, before you or your customers even know a problem exists.

We are Relationship Builders


At the heart of our business is a team of people that recognise that relationships are key to building the future. The best client relationships are built on results and rapport. We were among the first in our industry to create dedicated account managers for every client, and every project. These people oversee your project from start to finish, so they understand your business inside out.  In our experience, increased communication and accountability result in faster, smoother project completions.

Every repeat business we undertake is proof of our valued client relationships.

We are invested in our own people

We are relationship builders within the company, as well as outside. Our highly – experienced team includes in house designers and skilled project managers, all of whom are 100% H & S qualified. We invest in our people to keep them ahead of the curve in industry innovation, changes in legislation, new equipment, and updated engineering principles.